Business in / with Bulgaria - new opportunities 60 km South?
On December 11th from 18 o’clock in Green Gate Office Building on 22, Tudor Vladimirescu blvd. we will do an event, dedicated to Romanian small and medium enterprises.
Based on our 16 years’ experience the Chamber’s team together with a group of experts will explain to the Romanian participants:
What opportunities are available for their businesses?
How can they find new clients and better providers of raw materials and supplies?
What is Bulgaria’s eCommerce potential?
How easy is it to establish a company and to start business south of the Danube?
Our host for this event will be VIVRE – one of the biggest Romanian companies, which operate in Bulgaria both with end users and with multiple suppliers.
The event is targeting Romanian companies, so in case you would like to promote it to your Romanian partners, please use the more detailed invitation in Romanian which you will find HERE.
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